Shockoe Small Area Plan public comment period ends. So, what's next?

Well, friends, there are several steps in the actual creation of the Small Area Plan's Heritage Campus, including the nine-acre Memorial Park, including review by the city's Planning Commission and passage by City Council. It is critical that your council person knows that you support the Memorial Park and the Small Area Plan. 

And, there are several issues that will need your continued support to ensure they happen: 

  1. Archaeology
  2. Protective zoning
  3. Criteria for design and selection of design and construction team
  4. Who will own and manage the area
  5. How will the Black/descendant community voice assume its authority and interpretation? 
  6. How will the economic benefits of the creation of this Heritage Campus actually come to the Black/descendant community?

We encourage you to continue to review the plan and send your thoughts to the Department of Economic Development via the links on the city webpage. The formal public comment period may be over, however neither the Memorial Park nor the overall plan are a "done deal." We can't just stay home and relax! 

NOTE: If the city site will no longer accept your comments, please send them to and be sure to copy your city councilperson. We will forward them to the appropriate person in the Economic Development department and Mayor's office. 

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