Today! Reclaiming Black Cemeteries is Resistance!
As part of the 22nd Annual Gabriel Gathering and Shockoe Bottom African Burial Ground Commemoration, the Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project and Shockoe Bottom Community Advisory Group is facilitating a special convening of groups that represent and advocate for the reclamation, protection and preservation of African and African American cemeteries of Richmond, Virginia, and beyond. Representatives from the following cemeteries will be present: Barton Heights Cemeteries, Richmond, Virginia Cheesecake Cemetery, York County, Virginia East End Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia Evergreen Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia Fredrick Douglass Cemetery, Alexandria, Virginia Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond and Henrico, Virginia Shockoe Bottom African Burial Ground, Richmond, Virginia Shockoe Hill African Burying Ground, Richmond, Virginia Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia Woodland Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia Through presentations, short films and group discussions, we will explore our variou...